Does Your Microwave Need Repaired?
Posted on: 28 October 2019
Most homes in the US include a microwave oven in the kitchen. Many families, single folks, and elderly people all rely on this one appliance for help with meal preparation and reheating coffee. If you don't think that your microwave is operating as it should, there are a few things that you could do differently that could improve the performance.
Professional Microwave Repair
If you know that the microwave isn't working right and that it has nothing to do with anything beyond the appliance, then you have no choice but to take it to be repaired professionally. Microwaves are the one appliance in your home that should never be disassembled. There are components inside the unit that hold quite an electrical charge even after it's been unplugged. If you try to make repairs, you could find yourself getting shocked, burned, or electrocuted. Don't chance it—let a microwave repair professional handle the job for you.
Change the Power Setting
Have you checked to see if the power setting has been changed? Some microwave units will hold the power setting that was used last until it is changed again. So, if you cooked something at 50% power a few days ago and never changed it back to 100% power, it's still operating at the lower power setting.
If the foods that you're cooking seem to be cooking too quickly around the edges but the insides are still cold, try reducing the power setting and increasing the time that you cook the food. Some foods reheat much better under lower temperatures and when heated for a longer period of time.
Overloaded Breaker
There are some instances in which microwave ovens don't get an adequate amount of power. This could be due to the kitchen breaker being overloaded. If you have the fridge, microwave, coffee pot, toaster, and other small appliances sharing one breaker, it could be preventing the microwave from receiving the power to properly function.
Watch the lights in the refrigerator when the microwave kicks on. If the lights dim or flicker, the breaker is pulling too much power, and you'll either have to find a different location for the microwave or have an electrician take a look at the electrical setup in your home.
Hopefully, you'll find the solution to the problem with your microwave without needing repairs, but if you do, know that you can get it done professionally without the concern of electrocution during a DIY project.